Month: March 2024
March 11, 2024
March 8, 2024
…soldiers in Spain are starting to change their genders from male to female to earn benefits that are only available to females, according to a new report from the NY Post.
The benefits include higher pay and better sleeping quarters and the gender switch has been made possible due to the military’s honoring of a “self-identification law” which was put in place in 2023 to help transgender people.
H/t: Instapundit
March 8, 2024
America Enters the Samizdat Era – Matt Taibbi (Racket News)
The Internet, in other words, was being transformed from a system for exchanging forbidden or dissenting ideas, like Samizdat, to a system for imposing top-down control over information and narrative, a GozIzdat. Worse, while the Soviets had to rely on primitive surveillance technologies, like the mandatory registration of typewriters, the Internet offered breathtaking new surveillance capability, allowing authorities to detect thoughtcrime by algorithm and instantaneously disenfranchise those on the wrong side of the information paradigm, stripping them of the ability to raise money or conduct business or communicate at all.
H/t: Instapundit
March 8, 2024
Have We Passed Peak Woke? – Ace of Spades HQ
On a recent episode of Triggernometry, the Critical Drinker expressed his belief that we have passed Peak Woke.
He stressed this doesn’t mean woke is over. If you think about a hill, and its peak, passing the peak doesn’t mean you’re back down at ground level. You can still be pretty high.
It just means you’ve passed the highest point — the peak of woke — and are on the way back down to normalcy.
Comics Matter (aka Ya Boi Zach) has been claiming that woke is on the run for a while. I didn’t really believe him, but there was a major event in the comic book industry a few months ago that suggested that maybe woke is on its way out…
March 8, 2024
March 6, 2024
You’ve probably heard of “sensitivity readers” in the publishing industry. These are grifters who “offer” their services to read unpublished manuscripts and tell publishers in which way they must be censored — or blocked from publishing altogether — to avoid the friends and allies of the sensitivity readers from #Cancelling the publisher and causing them major public relations grief. And, they threaten, losses of profit as well. (Though I think that’s a phantasmal threat — everyone hates these people, and anyone who defies them will make more money, not less.)
Sweet Baby Inc. claims to be a game development company, but they develop no games. Instead, they pressure actual game companies to hire them to censor their games for them.