Satire and Humor

November 6, 2023

Planned Parenthood Says Proper Term For Unborn Baby Is Now ‘Womb Colonizer’ – The Babylon Bee

H/t: Instapundit

Genre Criticism

November 6, 2023

Report: Marvel Executive Fired For Not Sounding the Alarm on the Female-Centric Direction of the “Blade” Movie – Ace of Spades HQ

Ace gets prickly in addressing those who complain about Disney posts:

Is your objection to talking about Disney that Disney makes media for children and you are an adult? I would think propaganda directed at children would be more objectionable than that directed at adults.


This is a business/culture/politics story, not about your need to tell us for the thousandth time that you don’t watch superhero movies.



You may think American media is beneath your consideration. You are wrong. It is incubator, disseminator, and propagator for every sick and destructive idea that is currently destroying this country.


You may think that constantly repeating “I think this is silly and you are silly for reporting on it” makes you sound tough, serious-minded, and manly. It doesn’t. It makes you sound like a bitchy old woman complaining that the conversation has briefly turned from crocheting to macrame and she doesn’t like this new direction at all.

You certainly are not required to be interested in this story. But you are required to allow other people to be interested it without the daily drumbeat of trying to shame me from covering it.
Genre Criticism

November 6, 2023

Star Trek II: The Anti-Star-Trek-Star-Trek – FilmLadd


November 5, 2023

Some circus music:

Julius Fucik – Entry of the Gladiators

Genre Criticism

November 5, 2023

What’s Going On With Snow White? An Interview With Ben Shapiro – Critical Drinker After Hours

Cancel Culture

November 4, 2023

IndieGoGo SHADOWBANS A Beautiful Sci Fi Comic By Christian Creator Aaron Lorpresti – Jon Del Arroz

The crowdfunding campaign in question: KIT CARTER: PLANET DOOM GRAPHIC NOVEL

Sure enough, as of November 4, 2023, Mr. Lopresti’s crowdfunded book is NOINDEXED by Indiegogo, telling the search engines not to index his campaign. (Click image to enlarge in another tab)

And finally, a direct search on Indiegogo for the project’s title yields no results on November 4, 2023. (Click image to enlarge in another tab)

Screenshot of empty search on Indiegogo for Kit Carter comic

Shadowbanning confirmed.


November 4, 2023

Foreign investment in China turns negative for first time: Money flows out of country on concerns over U.S. tensions, anti-spy laws – IORI KAWATE, Nikkei staff writer

Outflows of foreign direct investment in China have exceeded inflows for the first time as tensions with the U.S. over semiconductor technology and concerns about increased anti-spying activity heighten risks.


FDI came to minus $11.8 billion, with more withdrawals and downsizing than new investments for factory construction and other purposes. This marked the first negative figure in data going back to 1998.

H/t: Instapundit

Genre Criticism

November 4, 2023

The most damning evidence against Kathleen Kennedy – Thor Skywalker

Cancel Culture

November 3, 2023

A Socialist’s Definition of ‘Woke’ – Freddie deBoer

(From the Wayback Machine, possibly because the author received some grief for this piece.)

“Woke” or “wokeness” refers to a school of social and cultural liberalism that has become the dominant discourse in left-of-center spaces in American intellectual life. It reflects trends and fashions that emerged over time from left activist and academic spaces and became mainstream, indeed hegemonic, among American progressives in the 2010s. “Wokeness” centers “the personal is political” at the heart of all politics and treats political action as inherently a matter of personal moral hygiene – woke isn’t something you do, it’s something you are. Correspondingly all of politics can be decomposed down to the right thoughts and right utterances of enlightened people. Persuasion and compromise are contrary to this vision of moral hygiene and thus are deprecated. Correct thoughts are enforced through a system of mutual surveillance, one which takes advantage of the affordances of internet technology to surveil and then punish. Since politics is not a matter of arriving at the least-bad alternative through an adversarial process but rather a matter of understanding and inhabiting an elevated moral station, there are no crises of conscience or necessary evils.

November 3, 2023

Fats Waller And His Rhythm – Bach Up To Me