Genre Criticism

November 13, 2023

Why Aragorn is the Epitome of Masculinity – Pilgrims Pass

Genre Criticism

November 9, 2023

WRONG Kind of Strong: Female Characters – Pilgrims Pass

Genre Criticism

November 6, 2023

Report: Marvel Executive Fired For Not Sounding the Alarm on the Female-Centric Direction of the “Blade” Movie – Ace of Spades HQ

Ace gets prickly in addressing those who complain about Disney posts:

Is your objection to talking about Disney that Disney makes media for children and you are an adult? I would think propaganda directed at children would be more objectionable than that directed at adults.


This is a business/culture/politics story, not about your need to tell us for the thousandth time that you don’t watch superhero movies.



You may think American media is beneath your consideration. You are wrong. It is incubator, disseminator, and propagator for every sick and destructive idea that is currently destroying this country.


You may think that constantly repeating “I think this is silly and you are silly for reporting on it” makes you sound tough, serious-minded, and manly. It doesn’t. It makes you sound like a bitchy old woman complaining that the conversation has briefly turned from crocheting to macrame and she doesn’t like this new direction at all.

You certainly are not required to be interested in this story. But you are required to allow other people to be interested it without the daily drumbeat of trying to shame me from covering it.
Genre Criticism

November 6, 2023

Star Trek II: The Anti-Star-Trek-Star-Trek – FilmLadd

Genre Criticism

November 5, 2023

What’s Going On With Snow White? An Interview With Ben Shapiro – Critical Drinker After Hours

Genre Criticism

November 4, 2023

The most damning evidence against Kathleen Kennedy – Thor Skywalker

Genre Criticism

October 2, 2023

Marvel – Final Desperation || – The Critical Drinker

Genre Criticism

November 1, 2023

Daily Disney Disaster: The Reason for the Long Delay of the Blade Movie…? Disney Wanted to Make It About Women and “Life Lessons” – Ace of Spades HQ

The Blade movie has been repeatedly delayed. The would-be lead [a two-time Oscar winner] keeps rejecting the scripts as not what he signed up for.

Now we find out his objection to all the scripts: He signed up to star as the lead in a male-oriented action fantasy, but all of Marvel’s scripts make the main characters, get this, Stronk Diverse Women.
Genre Criticism

October 30, 2023

Your Daily Disney Disaster: Disney Delays Snow Beige Until 2025; Gina Carano Torches Kaffeine Kennedy – Ace of Spades HQ

The [South Park Panderverse] episode wasn’t great. Many of the jokes were obvious, knocking down the lowest of low-hanging fruit, and then ending with a “both sides are wrong” message.

Really? I’m wrong? I’m not responsible for driving Disney’s stock price down from $160 to $79 and change.

And if I am partly responsible: Good. Proudest day in my life.

But even though South Park finished with some cowardly, sniveling, ass-kissing both-sidesing, the thing is, Disney’s critics do not have shareholders ready to fire us for criticizing Disney.

But Bob Iger and Kaffeine Kennedy do have shareholders they must appease.

So even though South Park’s final craven message was “both sides are wrong,” it still only hurts one side, and that’s Disney.

Disney’s shareholders now have the image of their crumbling share value linked with Kaffeine Kennedy’s endless demands to “put a chick in it and make it gay!”

And now that the Unsayable Thing has been said loudly enough that no one can pretend they didn’t hear it, people will actually begin talking about the Unsayable Thing.

H/t: Instapundit

Genre Criticism

October 30, 2023

Batman vs. Captain America (The Soldier vs the Knight): What do They Fight For? – HistoryTeachers